Do I need to renew my IHC credential every year?
Yes, you must annually renew your IHC credential. You will be contacted by the AIHC in August of every year to renew your certification. The renewal deadline is September 30 of that year. The renewal fee is $75 USD annually. To renew, complete the IHC Renewal Form and pay the renewal fee..
Late renewals will be charged an extra $25 USD per month.
After December 31st your IHC standing and credentials will expire and will need to be reinstated at an additional expense.
Renewal requires confirmation of attendance to at least two seminars/webinars with a minimum total of 20 hours per year (from October 1 - September 30 each year)
You will not need to renew in the calendar year that you received your IHC certification.
How do I renew my IHC?
To renew, please complete the IHC Renewal Form and pay the renewal fee.
Is the IHC a legal license to practice homeopathy?
No, the credential IHC is not a license to practice homeopathy anywhere in the world; it is a peer certification and local laws will apply.
More Questions? Email us at info@aihc-cert.com