Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I apply for the IHC?
You would be joining the first truly international homeopathic certification program. The AIHC has the support of the most distinguished homeopaths in the world. All members of the AIHC will know that you are well qualified as a classical homeopath. You and other holders of the IHC will refer patients to one another, we can visit one another, we will know that we adhere to common healthcare beliefs, and we can join together as a large group for seminars and conferences.
Who can apply for the IHC?
Anyone who has been trained as a homeopath, and fulfills the qualifications listed on the applications, is welcome to apply for the IHC. That includes well trained homeopaths with or without medical licenses.
See Application information.
Do I need to renew my IHC credential every year?
Yes, you must annually renew your IHC credential. You will be contacted by the AIHC in December of every year to renew your certification. The renewal deadline is March 1, of the following new year. The renewal fee is $75 USD annually.
Late renewals will be charged an extra $50 USD per month.
If an IHC holder does not renew within 12 months after the renewal fee is due, they must recertify with the AIHC.
Renewal requires confirmation of attendance to at least two seminars/webinars with a minimum total of 20 hours per year.
You will not need to renew in the calendar year that you received your IHC certification.
How do I renew my IHC?
To renew, please complete the IHC Renewal Form and pay the renewal fee.
Is the IHC a legal license to practice homeopathy?
No, the credential IHC is not a license to practice homeopathy anywhere in the world; it is a peer certification and local laws will apply.
What's the difference between initial application and fast-track applications?
You must be a certified professional homeopath in order to apply for the fast-track application. Previously certified homeopaths do not need to take the IHC exam, nor are they required to submit supervision cases. They must submit an application, the application fee, and a video case.
How do I know if I am eligible for the fast-track application?
To apply using the fast-track application, you must be a professional homeopath with credentials (either a homeopathic medical license or a homeopathic certification that is based on education and examination). You should have graduated from a recognized school of homeopathy at least 3 years ago, and you have been practicing as a professional homeopath for at least 2 years*. Your homeopathic education must have included at least 500 classroom hours and 250 clinic hours (both documented), along with a letter of recommendation from the director of that homeopathic school, or one of your main instructors. You must include verification of your medical degree, or documentation of your courses in Anatomy & Physiology, Pathology & Disease (at least 90 hours).
*If you are a certified/licensed professional homeopath who has been practicing for more than 5 years, with a minimum of 200 cases, please contact us.
What constitutes “clinic” hours?
Clinic hours are credited towards certification if cases are taken with a live patient, with students observing and discussing the case together, whether online or in person (Hours where students are watching videos of cases on their own time are not accepted). Clinical training is meant to be an experience of both observation and discussion; students must be involved in observing the case-taking, discussing the patient and the case, the analysis and remedy selection.
Can my supervision cases count towards the required clinic hours?
No, the 5 supervision cases are required in addition to 250 clinic hours.
Can my private cases count towards the required clinic hours?
No, nor can they count towards supervision cases, which must be taken in front of a homeopathic supervisor.
See Application information.
Can I obtain sample questions for the exam?
Yes: please see sample questions here.
Is there a booklist pertaining to the exam?
We have posted a list of books that we suggest you should have read. See Booklist.
Is there a list of remedies to study for the exam?
Yes; see AIHC Remedy List.
Is there a study guide for this exam?
Yes, please see the AIHC Learning Objectives.
Can you take part 2 of the exam before part 1?
Yes, you can arrange to take the live case before you sit for the written exam. Scheduling for each part of the exam must be approved by your facilitator. The entire certification process must be completed within 6 months from the date of the approval of your application.
Can I take the exam in my native language?
Currently the exam is only available in English and it must be written in English as well.
What happens if I cannot complete the exam process within 6 months?
You can make a special arrangement with your facilitator for extra time, within reason.
What happens if I did not pass part of the exam?
You may retake the part of the exam that you did not pass and the fee schedule is as follows:
$75 dollars for Part A of Part 1- (materia medica etc.)
$75 dollars for Part B of Part 1- (medical sciences)
$100 Dollars for case retake and review.
See Exam information.
What is the live video case?
This is a live case which is taken in front of a homeopathic proctor and recorded with a digital video camera. The applicant must provide the patient; this must be a new case, first intake. The intake will probably require 1-3 hours, however the time limit is subject to the discretion of the proctor (see instructions for proctors).
As soon as the initial interview is completed, the applicant will write up the case analysis and remedy and potency selection. If necessary, you may select a 2nd choice remedy, but explain the differential diagnosis. On completion, your proctor will send the digital file, the written case analysis with remedy and potency selection, and the proctor comments, to your AIHC application facilitator for review.
How do I write up the live video case?
The applicant should complete the written synopsis in 2 hours, with some time allowance provided by the proctor if necessary. You may use computers and books for this portion of the exam, but the proctor is not allowed to assist you in any way.
There will be a form provided for you to use for your case analysis/remedy selection write-up. This write-up must be typed into the electronic form to be returned to the AIHC.
Write a synopsis that includes the chief complaint and the core elements of the case. Explain your case-taking method and analysis method. If a repertory is used, please list no more than 6-10 well chosen rubrics that represent the case.
Select a remedy and potency and explain why. Please include evidence that supports your remedy selection; this can include quotes from books, general information and/or natural history. If etiology, kingdom, grouping, or miasmatic influences are clear, please include this in your write up. Your write-up must be fully representative of the case; even a reader who has not seen the case must be able to understand your remedy choice, so include all pertinent information. Please do not send in a verbatim case.
Can I take the live case in my native language?
Yes, you can take the live case in your own language but you must provide an exact English transcription of the case, word for word, including the questions and answers. The case analysis and remedy selection must be written in English.
Do I need to find a certified translator or can I ask a friend?
You can translate the live case into English anyway you like, but it is your responsibility to make sure that the English translation is readable.
How do I send the video of the live case?
Your proctor will send a file of the video case to the application facilitator through a shared system such as Dropbox.
How do I find a proctor for Part 1?
You will need a different proctor for part 1 and part 2 of the examination.
For part 1 of the certification exam you will have to look for a proctor in your region through the internet or local information. This proctor is NOT a homeopath. In most areas public libraries or local schools offer an examination proctor service. Your application facilitator must approve of your chosen exam location and the proctor for part 1.
How do I find a proctor for Part 2?
For part 2 of the exam (the live video case), you must find a new patient and a qualified homeopath (proctor) who will observe the case. This proctor is not allowed to make suggestions or corrections during the case-taking; the proctor is simply observing.
The proctor will write a short report about the intake (observations about the candidate's style and rapport with the patient, along with any concerns or recommendations).
This homeopath/proctor for part 2, must also be approved by your application facilitator.
After the intake interview, you, the applicant, will write up the case in around 2 hours (the proctor is allowed to be generous with time, if willing and within reason). The proctor will write a short report about the intake (observations about the candidate's style and rapport with the patient, along with any concerns or recommendations). The proctor will send the video, your analysis of the case, and his/ her observations to the AIHC.
PROCTOR For the FAST-TRACK Application
You must find a new patient and a qualified homeopath who will observe. This proctor is not allowed to make suggestions or corrections during the case-taking; the proctor is simply observing.
After the intake interview, you, the applicant, will write up the case in around 2 hours (the proctor is allowed to be generous with time, if willing and within reason). The proctor will write a short report about the intake (observations about the candidate's style and rapport with the patient, along with any concerns or recommendations). The proctor will send the video, your analysis of the case, and his/ her observations to the AIHC.
Who qualifies as a supervisor?
The supervisor must be approved by the director of the applicant’s school.
The supervisor must be a practicing professional homeopath with acceptable credentials. (Acceptable credentials are those that would qualify the homeopath to apply through our FAST-TRACK application, such as CCH, BHMS, DHANP (other credentials will be considered on an individual basis), though your supervisor does not need to be certified IHC at this point.)
Can I write up my supervision cases in my native language?
No, currently we need to be able to read your supervision case summaries in English.
How do I write up my supervised cases?
Each case summary will be written on the supervision form and will include a brief description of the case, the chief complaint and the main issues of the patient. Also included will be the remedy and potency selection and a brief description of why that remedy was chosen. This section will be a minimum of 200 words, but not more than 500 words.
Following the initial case summary will be two follow-up dates and summaries of each, including improvements and disturbances from the remedy, and dosage dates. Each follow-up summary will be no more than 200 words.
Your supervisor must sign for each case and can add comments. Each supervised case summary should be of at least 6 months duration.
What kind of cases qualify for supervision?
Only chronic cases qualify; acute cases are not accepted.
Where can I take the Anatomy and Physiology, Pathology and Disease courses?
You can take these courses in any local college or acceptable homeopathic school.
Can I take the Anatomy and Physiology, Pathology and Disease courses online?
Yes, you can take the courses online through reputable and acceptable sources. Please send your inquiries about acceptable online courses to the AIHC.
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